Lunch Count Board and Attendance Tracker

First Grade Lunch Count Board
Here is how I made my very handy lunch count board and attendance tracker. This is such a helpful classroom management tool!

Supplies needed:
Cookie sheet
Magnets (these are cute!)
Mod Podge
Scrapbook numbers
Printed duct tape (I love this one!)
Labels for your categories
Tape or Rubber Cement

Step 1: Put the numbers on the magnets. (I made 22 magnets because that is the max number of kiddos I could have. )
Step 2: Paint on a layer of Mod Podge to keep the stickers from peeling off.
Step 3: Place all the magnets on the board to measure duct tape placement.
Step 4: Use the duct tape to mark off the number of sections you need for choices. (I only needed 2: brought or buying, but your school might have kids choose a certain entrée item.)
Step 5: Tape or rubber cement your section labels in place.
Step 6: Remove magnets and drill holes into the 2 corners of the cookie sheet.
Step 7: Thread the ribbon through the holes, tie a knot, and hang on a nail or command hook!

First Grade Lunch Count Board

Voila! :) This is definitely one of the best things I’ve made for my classroom. One of my classroom jobs is lunch count, so after announcements are over that student counts the magnets for ‘buying’ and puts the number outside the door.
This also helps me take attendance easily. (My kiddos also learn quickly how to quietly remind their friend that they forgot to make lunch count when they came in.)

First Grade Lunch Count Board


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