4 Things Parents Need To Know About Teachers (Freebie)

I recently read an article about 10 things teachers want to say to parents, but can’t. It inspired me to write 4 things that teachers can say to parents. I believe that an open and honest relationship with parents is key. A good rapport between parents and teachers is one of the most important parts of a student’s education. Here are 4 things that I’d like parents to know about me as a teacher.

First Grade Classroom: 4 things parents need to know

We are on the same team. I’m not out to ‘get’ you or your kid. When your child walks into my classroom, I treat them the way I’d want my own kids to be treated. I love your child and will always do what I think is best for them. We both want your child to be successful and even when times are tough, we just have to remember that we are on the same team. You won’t always like what I have to say. We won’t always see eye to eye. At some point, I might have to tell you that your child said an inappropriate word or failed a spelling test. Please remember that it is my job to communicate your child’s day to you- good and bad. I might not always like what you have to say either, but it is still our job to respect each other’s opinions for the sake of the student. I have feelings and I am not made of stone, so when you accuse me of not helping your child or when you think I am being too strict, take a minute to realize that I am human too. We are on the same team.

First Grade Classroom: 4 things parents need to know

My time is limited, but I still care. I might have too many kids crammed into one room and too few hours in a day, but I want you to know that I take the time to get to know your child. I know that he gets anxious when I ask him to speak to the group. I know that she does better in math than in reading. I know that his favorite color is blue because it is the color of his baby brother’s eyes. I know that when she gets home from school, she tells her cat her favorite part of the day. And I know that he misses his dad so much when he is deployed that sometimes he can’t pay attention. I love your child, and I promise to take care of them. I will work hard every day to make sure that your child knows that I care about who they are.

First Grade Classroom: 4 things parents need to know

I don’t have all the answers…. but I will find out! Yes, I went to college. I am a professional. I have been doing this a while. But, I don’t know everything. I can’t always tell you what exactly the issue is or how to fix it. However, I do promise to work together with you and whoever else can help us find the answer. And it will make me an even better teacher in the long run. And don’t worry, I know you don’t have all the answers either. Two heads are better than one!

First Grade Classroom: 4 things parents need to know

I love my job, but I have a life outside of it. I probably won’t email you back at 9pm on Saturday night. I might not be able to stay until 7pm for a parent conference.  I may not have time for a 30 minute chat after school. I have to get home to cook dinner and to tuck my kids into bed. I have household projects and appointments to get to. A wise principal once told me to always put my family & my health first. I believe that taking time to spend with my family and recharge makes me a much better teacher because I am able to focus and put my energy into my students.

Whether you are a teacher, a parent, both, or neither, I hope that this post has somehow helped you understand me (and other teachers) a little bit better! Thank you for reading!

Teachers: to help you get started on an open and honest relationship with the parents in your class, I have made this Parent Communication Freebie! Click the picture to download it. Remember to follow me on TpT so you are notified when something new is posted in my store!

First Grade Classroom: Parent Communication Freebie


4 thoughts on “4 Things Parents Need To Know About Teachers (Freebie)

  1. Love this post! I am sharing it on my FB page this week! It’s goes right along with my parent communication post a few weeks ago! I think it’s perfect!!

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