Valentine’s Day Pics

My goodies from today! My kiddos (and their parents) are so sweet to think of me today.
We brainstormed and made a thinking map of how we can show love…

 And then we wrote about it!


“I like to show love to Mrs. Thompson by following directions and drawing pictures.”
“I like to show love by drawing pictures and being kind.”
“I like to show love by giving hugs and kisses to my mom.”
“I like to show love by giving kisses. I like to show love by making food.”
“I like to show love to my sister by playing with her and hugging her.”
Happy Valentine’s Day!

One thought on “Valentine’s Day Pics

  1. I LOVE the web! We talk all the time about "heart words" and how they show people we love and respect them! We also add helpful hearts to fill our bucket when we notice others being helpful and kind.

    I just found your blog and am happy to be your newest follower! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. I have TONS of *freebies*! =)

    Heather's Heart

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